Marrakech Riad are thrilled to be sponsoring TEDxMarrakesh for the third time.
This year the theme will be “Tribes & Trolls”, focusing on digitalization and how our lives are impacted by social media, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, block chain, bitcoins and psycho-graphics. Where are we standing now and even more important – where are we heading to?
The speakers will be sharing ideas about the benefits as well as the dangers of living in a digitally connected, global world. But also on how we define our world and how we ourselves are being defined. Who are our “real” friends? What do we really “like”? What it means growing up in a digital world for the next generation, etc.
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and is an organization founded 1984 in the spirit of spreading good ideas. TED later created a program called TEDx, a program of local, self-organized events that spark discussions and create new thoughts. TEDxMarrakesh mission is to bring people together to share live inspirational speakers and artistic performances mixed with TED-videos. TEDxMarrakesh has produced five successful TEDx-events since 2011 and is part of the global TEDx-conversation of powerful people who believe that spreading ideas can stimulate change!
The sixth edition of TEDxMarrakesh will take place on Saturday October 21 2017 at Es Saadi Palace.
For accommodation in Marrakech during the TEDx event please contact us.