Heating drum skin for Achoura

Riad Denise Masson played host to fest of Moroccan clay drums as the last day of the Islamic Achora festival, celebrating the freeing of Moses from the Egyptians by god and the day Noah left the Ark, rained out over the traditional open riad roof.

Entering the performers rehearsal room has a mellow tone, with men sitting round the walls telling stories, some playing light music on their Tamtam’s (drums) and smoke willowing out through the one small open door to the riad courtyard.

Across the courtyard from the stage, strange and almost uncomfortable off beat music traditional to Marrakech is followed by upbeat trance building into a mesmerising but relaxing cacophony of drums and brass castanets.

Atmosphere builds outside the warm up room as the next performers begin to heat the camel skins on their drums over a coal heater, which accentuates the short, loud drone noise that is obtained from whipping their hands onto the clay rim and striking the canvas with the tips of their fingers.

Enjoy local Marrakshi music all over La Medina to accompany your stay at the welcoming, beautiful and forever memorable environment of Marrakech Riads.