Ibrahim is 74 years old and works in the souks of Marrakech. He is a metal worker specializing in teapots and trays. He has been in the souks since 1975 doing many different jobs such as selling or wrapping up items for customers. He is a very hard worker because he wants to provide a good life for his family and education for his kids.
Ibrahim loves the souks and even after his kids have. grown up and are able to provide for the family, Ibrahim can’t keep away. it’s the only place he enjoys being at and all his friends are there. Ibrahim does not make much money anymore because melding teapots and other metal items are not as popular with locals and the souks anymore. People would rather buy a new one than fix the old.
Ibrahim is been lucky to get a spot in one of the shops to do his work. in exchange, he helps the shop owner by looking after his shop, cleaning, and organizing it. that way he does not need to pay any rent, and makes extra money. If you have any metal that needs melding (or just want to say hello), you should visit Ibrahim in the souks. he is located by Les Terrace Des Epices in one of the foundouks. Take the first left after Restaurant Les Terrace des Epices, into the first entrance to the Foundouk. He works in the first shop by the entrance on the right-hand side.
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