Serves 4

Maakouda, maqouda or maakouda  is not a traditional moroccan recipe and can be found in other north-african countries, but is a fantastic starter and is cooked in Morocco especially during Ramadan.


500 grams potatoes
A knob of smen (or ghee, or any other clarified butter) A small handful of chopped fresh parsley and coriander Salt and pepper, to taste
1 egg
60 grams raclette cheese (or any other melting cheese) 1 tablespoon corn flour
Vegetable oil, for frying


Peel and cut potatoes into large pieces. Boil with a teaspoon of salt until they are tender, about 20 minutes. Drain. Return to the pot with the smen, parsley, and coriander. Mash together with a hand masher. Crack in the egg, grate in the cheese, and throw the corn flour in, too. Mix until very well combined.

Using two spoons, shape the potato dough into oblong balls (in French cuisine, this is called a quenelle). Drop into very hot vegetable oil and cook until golden brown. Set on a paper towel to remove any excess oil and serve immediately.


  • Best cooked in a cast-iron frying pan.
  • Make sure the oil is very hot before cooking, or else the maakouda will fall apart.
  • Try these with aioli or fresh mayonnaise.

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